“Christ-Exalting Hope, Purifying Peace”
December 19, 2023, 5:34 PM

“Christ-Exalting Hope, Purifying Peace”

Isaiah 7:14; Luke 2:4-14; Romans 5:1-9

Sermon Notes 12/10/2023

There is a pathway to Christ-exalting hope and purifying peace and it begins with justification by faith and it is lined with hope that rejoices in the glory of God   (Romans 5:1-2).

The pathway that leads to Christ-exalting hope and purifying peace includes suffering which produces endurance (vs 3). 

The endurance created through suffering  will produce character which will produce a hope that cannot put us to shame because of what has been poured into our hearts (vs 4-5).

The pathway will reveal our weakness and our weakness will increase our love, devotion and gratitude for the Savior who died for us while we were still sinners and saved us from the righteous wrath of God against sin. (vs 6-9)

Are you on the pathway to Christ-exalting hope and purifying peace? 

Jesus said the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life. 

Are you willing to seek God? I want to encourage you every morning to reach for Christ-exalting hope and purifying peace. Put a Scripture in your mind, put a song in your heart, put a prayer on your lips and find some God-honoring work for your hands.

Are you willing to embrace God’s promises?

Study and meditate on the promises of God found in the Bible. This is your source of assurance, hope, and peace on the pathway to hope and peace.

Are you truly surrendered and trusting fully in the finished work of Jesus Christ? Give Him control and rely on His power to overcome worries, fears and burdens. Trust His plan, His perfect timing and His sovereign control. 

Are you cultivating a grateful heart everyday by focusing on the blessings in your life? Strive to be aware of God’s presence all around you and give Him thanks.

Are you seeking support?

The journey to Christ-exalting hope and purifying peace requires community.

Surround yourself with supportive believers who encourage, pray and lift you up.

Join a small group Bible study and seek guidance from a believer you can trust. 


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